Friday, December 8, 2017

Vridhagireeswarar temple, Vridhachalam (முதுகுன்றீஸ்வரர் திருக்கோவில், விருத்தாசலம்)

(     Vridhagireeswarar temple, Vridhachalam  (முதுகுன்றீஸ்வரர் திருக்கோவில், விருத்தாசலம்). Also called Thirumuthukundram (திருமுதுகுன்றம்)

This temple located on the banks of the river Manimuktha (மணிமுத்தாறு) is one of the Padal Petra Sthalams, temples sung in praise by the Canonised Saivite Saints.  Sundarar one of the four Saivite saints (நால்வர்)  is closely linked to this temple.

This temple said to be approximately 2000 years old  and was developed by various rulers who ruled this region. Major contribution is from the Chola Empire with significant contributions for building the temple by Sembian Maadevi and Kandarathitha Cholan. The main entrance is named after the king Kandarathithan.  The Sthala Vriksham (Vanni) is around 1700 years old and some parts of the tree are as hard as a rock.

This temple located in Nadu Naadu is 9th in the list of Nadunadu temples and has been eulogized by Gnanasambandar, Thirunavukkarasar (Appar) and Sundarar. Thevara Hymns refer this temple as Pazhamalai.

Ambal is called Vridhambigai.

Swamy and Ambal have separate shrines with separate towers. This temple is massive and the size could be atleast 60% the size of Meenakshi temple.
It is said that since Sundarar sang in praise of the Lord when Sundarar had already become very old, Swamy was called Vridhagiriswarar after Sundarar’s period. (During my previous visit I had the opportunity to pray at Thirunavalaur another Thevara Padal Shrine and the birth place of Sundarar).

Vridhachalam is a fairly big town with good Hotels, excellent train connections and decent bus services.

In this age of sequels to movies, the succeeding temple and its story is an interesting sequel to this temple.

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குரங்கணில்முட்டம், இறையவளை உடனுறை வாலீஸ்வரர் கோவில்

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