Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mahatma Gandhi lives only in "our" hearts.

National newspapers have long forgotten him. Why will they remember him...after all he doesn't belong to the family that has made good use of his Well-deserved surname.

A couple of years back I instantly withdrew my subscription to an All India Newspaper which boasts of being the Numero Uno by circulation, for the reason that on a Gandhi Jayanthi day there was no mention about Gandhi in any part of their newspaper.

This morning I realized that Chennai's top newspaper is not far behind( Hey Ram !). There were no first page mentions about this great man....none until you reached the sixth page, but that was about the erstwhile ruling family and not THE Mahatma.

Where do I find Mahatma in Newspapers ?Will mentions about him be only in the half page Government advertisements?

What will the Gen-Next get to know about his contributions and World-acclaimed Ahimsa.

I must curse myself for depending on Newspapers to talk about the Mahatma.

Long live Mahatma, but only in our hearts and Govt advertisements !

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