Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How fast are the planets moving ?


Many of us may already know this, but each time I read, it is mindboggling and pushes me to a philosophical mode, that we are not even a small nano particle in the creation of God. Earth revolves around itself and the rotational speed measurable at the Equator is 460 metres per second or 1600 kms per hour The speed at which the earth goes around the sun is at a staggering 30km/sec Or 108,000 kms per hour Then the solar system goes around the milky way at 828,000 kms/ Hour and it takes 230 million years to go once around the milky way. Then the milky way, this and that. Next when time when you drive at 100plus kms speed in the highway, don't think too much of your speeding skills ЁЯШЖЁЯШЖ

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