Tuesday, July 26, 2016

God, Incarnations and Fate

When Lord takes the human form he conforms to the rules and regulations applicable to the humans of that period. He is no exception to worldly troubles.

He is the one who defines the rules and being a stickler to rules of the game, he does not want to exempt himself.

It is said that on completing the Krishna Avathara he asked a question to the Rishis around him.

" I am the custodian of this world and by that logic when i knew about Kuchela's( sudama)sufferings, instead of trying to spontaneously help him, asked him what he  has brought for me and I was not satisfied until Kuchela gave him the bag of Pound-rice.?"

To this the Rishis explained ..

having been born a human ( however enlightened one could be) you are not exempt from the attitudes and peculiarities of a human.

You were born in the star of Rohini in the Rishabha rasi which is the Exaltation sign of Moon. Hence moonly characteristics will be dominant. As you know Moon draws its light from Sun, you will be naturally inclined to take from others. That is one reason why instantaneously you sought something from Kuchela before your super-divine qualities took over and you eventually helped him.

The same trait drove you to ask Karna to donate the net result of all his Good-deeds (Punya) before he breathes his last.

Bottomline is..no one is exempt from the troubles of a human birth, not even God.

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