Friday, July 28, 2017

Myths and misconceptions relating to evaluating Matrimonial prospects

(Break the ) Myths and misconceptions relating to evaluating
Matrimonial prospects


Matrimonial match and evaluation as it is practised in the Southern part of India especially in Tamil Nadu is full of misconceptions and wrong notions that it becomes the  social responsibility of the Astrologer to highlight the  truth and wake up parents from slumber. In the bargain, I may have upset some of the parents but that is well worth it. This essay is in the interests of the Parents and their respective children and not with any ulterior motive.

First, let us look at the broader user-level  misconceptions and then we shall get on to compatibility subjects next.

(I) Horoscopes of Swathi natives (boys or girls born in Swathi) are exceptional and need not be evaluated at all. They can match with any other horoscope

(II) Boys born in Bharani (Apabharani) are entitled to rule the world. பரணி, தரணி ஆளும் !

(III) Girls born in star Moola can ruin her in-law’s house after marriage.பெண் மூலம் நிர்மூலம்

(IV) Moola born boys will rule the world ஆண் மூலம் அரசாளும்

(V) Jyeshta born girls will make sure that the husband’s elder brother dies/ fails soon after the girl’s marriage கேட்டை ஜேஷ்டனுக்காகாது. Hence Jyeshta born girls should not be given in marriage to a boy who has an elder brother

(VI) Ashlesha / Aayila born natives will ensure death of the mother in law. ஆயில்யம் மாமியாரைக் கொல்லும்

(VII) Natives born in Rohini will cause the death of the maternal uncle ரோகிணி மாமனுக்கு ஆகாது

(VIII) You could give your child in marriage to even an animal but not to one who is born in Marghashira / Mrigaseerusham மிருகத்துக்குக் கொடுத்தாலும் மிருகசீருஷத்திற்கு கொடுக்காதே

(IX) Magha born girls will rule this world மகத்துப் பொண்ணு ஜெகத்தை ஆளும்

(X) Sravishta / Avitta born girls will make sure that even the dust-bin in the house is filled with gold அவிட்டத்தில் பெண், தவிட்டிலும் பொன் . Other than this myth, all other myths are degrading on women and only reflects the male chauvinism of this world.

Of the myths above, how many are correct, 10%, 20%, 40%,60%, 75% or 90% or 100%. No prizes for guessing that the answer is “NONE”.

Each one of the above myths can at best earn a like in  Facebook, from a male chauvinistic buff. Nothing more. Let us look a little closely at these myths, atleast some of them.

• By the law of averages, approximately 1/27th of the world population falls under one star, assuming an even distribution of child-birth over various days in various years. That accounts for approximately 28 crores.
o That being the case, do we have 28 crores rulers (because we claim every Bharani will rule the world)
o Or another 14 crores of male-Moola borns who will rule the world.
o In Toto do we have 42 crores kingdoms that can be ruled by 42 crore Bharani+Male-Moola natives.
o Not to forget Magha born Girls who are destined to rule as well

• I have not come across 14 crore families whose in-law’s families were destroyed , on account of the native being a Moola born girl

• How many Ashlesha natives have killed their mothers-in-law ? Or has a Non-Aslesha native not witnessed the death of her/his in-laws after marriage ?

• Do swathi native’s have two golden horns that they are beyond astrological evaluation ?

• No Jyeshta/ Kettai born girl has robbed her (elder) brother – in -law of his life. Kettai in Sanskrit is simply called Jyeshta and nothing more

• Only one thing which is common among all the above myths, is that they are rhyming (in Tamil).

o Many of us have interacted with astrologers and ordinary citizens of  neighbouring states as Kerala, Karnataka, AP, Telangana but nobody seems to know about all these silly-sayings prevalent in TN.  Have the revered Jamini , Pulippani and Varahamihira scripted separate rules on astrology, by the state of Domicile.??? One for Tamil Nadu and one for Bihar ! ( I can hear you saying “our neighbouring states have other misconceptions” …True)

As the first step, let us remove all generalisations about stars and believe that all stars are neutral. The astrological charts of natives are sacro-sanct.  Have we not seen that the twins born two minutes apart, having completely contrasting life and background. Astrology is too glorious a science that can be confined to study of  Birth- stars alone.

Let us now go to the second half of the story viz.,  see how matches are evaluated.  After shortlisting candidates, based on broad acceptability of their education, employment, family etc, the parents seek the astrological charts of the bride/ bridegroom as the case may be.

Typically, the astrological charts are analysed for compatibility between the boy and the girl.  The most commonly used method in Southern India includes one or both the steps mentioned below:

1. Patthu Porutham (Ten matches)

2. Detailed evaluation of the birth charts for broader compatibility subjects.

The accepted practice is that,  of the ten matches, if five to six  matches are there, then it is okay to consider the boy and girl as compatible.

This is done by validating the stars of the boy and the girl , for each of the points(Nakshatra match, Yoni Match, Varna Match, Rajju,  etc).

• If this  statement is valid  For a boy, can there be  28 crore matches ? .

• If say, Chitra is a compatible match for a boy, can that be said that all Chitra born girls will be compatible with the boy. There could be twins born in Chitra, but how can we be sure that both the girls will be compatible with the boy !
• If the said Chitra born girl has a poor longevity and she is to live only for weeks after marriage, what is the meaning of compatibility !
• Can it be said that all marriages performed over the years based on 10 Porutham methods have resulted in harmonious married life or the couples living long happy married life. ?
• Are there not happily married couple in other parts of the country or world who donot follow compatibility analysis as we do !

Some of the arguments presented above have wry reasoning, but they have been said to emphasise a point and not to demean Astrology, which is on a sound platform.

Let us also look at the other facets of match making.

(1) The element of Almanacs followed: A chart of a girl may have been found to be compatible with the chart of a boy, based on the charts exchanged by the parents.  If only  both the charts are prepared on the same almanacs (Panchangam) can there be some method in madness. But we see many compatibility reviews based on one chart being in Vakya Panchangam and the other on Drikkanitha (THirukkanitha) panchangam  and this can really provide contrary results.

(2) Dependability of  the birth times used: How are we sure that the birth times available with the parents based on which horoscopes are made are dependable ? When the mother delivers the baby, do you think the doctor will be attending the mother or looking at her watch ? Even if she is watching the watch, what is the guarantee that her time is accurate and synchronised with the Standard Time applicable to the country of birth ?

Having said these, not for a moment  am I  suggesting parents to ignore  astrological compatibility. I am only suggesting  not to get carried away by myths, misconceptions and clichés .

I am not an authority on astrology but would not be incorrect in making the following suggestions. You may well evaluate the genuineness of my suggestions before following them:

(1) Donot make compatibility analysis purely based on birth stars of boys and girls.

(2) Donot get carried away by the compatibility tables given in entry level astrology books or Panchangam. Astrology is a lot more than that, and  marriage is too important an event to be decided based on a table in a book.

(3) Ensure that the boy’s and girl’s chart are based on the same almanac. Drikkanitha or Vakya.  Be consistent .  Safer to seek birth coordinates from parents instead of using the charts given by them.

(4) Ask your astrologer to prepare charts afresh based on birth coordinates of both boys and girls and draw conclusions.

(5) Choose your astrologer carefully and seek views on the dependability of the astrologer with your friends and relatives.

(6) An expensive and Busy astrologer need not be the best astrologer

(7) Decisions based on software /  internet based compatibility are similar to consuming medicines based on what the internet or google says.  Google search can throw light on a topic but cannot give you a solution to a problem. Only a domain expert like a Doctor can guide you accurately. Online/ Software based compatibility analysis can  at best be the first step but cannot be the decider.

a. Astrological analysis is a subjective matter and  cannot be best done by a software which uses objective methods of evaluation.

My little experience in evaluating the lives of married couple indicates that even those whose charts are incompatible, have led a satisfactory life, primarily because of the greatness of the  Institution of Marriage as is prevalent in India.  A successful married life is signified by compromises and sacrifices, which is the hallmark of Indian marriages.

Lastly and most importantly, the will of God prevails over everything. Seek the guidance of the Almighty before you take the first step towards a fitting match for your child, but at the same time donot ignore the above suggestions.

All stars are the creation of God and he does not consider any one star superior or inferior. Let us not be judgmental

குரங்கணில்முட்டம், இறையவளை உடனுறை வாலீஸ்வரர் கோவில்

தொண்டைநாட்டு தேவாரப்  பாடல் பெற்ற  தலங்களுள் ஆறாவது தலமாக அறியப்படும் குரங்கணில்முட்டம் (TNT 006), காஞ்சிபுரத்திற்கு அருகில், ஓரிக்கை, தூசி ...