Friday, August 26, 2016

God, Remote-delivery and Technology

Episode – 4

God, Remote-delivery and Technology

(Shukracharya and Chandreswara are just two names to give the writing the colour of a Teacher-Student Conversation. Seeking Pardon from the Original Shukracharya )

The Guru and his student are in the midst of reading Mahabharatha. They are in the Draupadi Vastrapaharanam (Disrobing of Draupadi) episode

Shukracharya:  Even as Vikarna and Vidura protest, Duryodhana orders Duḥśāsana to disrobe Draupadi. Seeing her husbands' passivity, Draupadi prays to Krishna to protect her. A miracle occurs henceforward. Duḥśāsana unwraps layers and layers of her sari. But as her sari keeps getting extended, everyone looks upon in awe, and Duḥśāsana himself is forced to stop due to exhaustion

Chandreswara: Namo Narayana… What a miracle, what a miracle ( and gets in to silence)

Shkra:  You wanted to say something but have shut your mouth. Kim Aalasyam (why idleness)

Chndra: Guru, I am a firm believer and I have read and heard so many stories on how MahaVishnu has saved the devotees and the world from the suffering. But, to my logical mind it is a bit difficult to digest that some one, even if God, can produce a saree from no where. It defies the fundamentals of materials science. (His mind voice: Guru I know he can, but I want to hear the scientific connection to the story from you)

Shukra:  Before I get on with the explanation some worldly facts:

This world is filled with broadly four kinds of people

1) People who are born with deficiencies due to the sins brought forward from their earlier deeds or births. These people will suffer in the current birth and wipe out their sins and God will be kind on them.

2) The lowermost strata of people who are brain-dumb and even if you show a black elephant they say it is white in colour. Such people are egoistically dishonest that they won’t accept what is factual and what should be accepted, even if they are convinced. They are like the Raskshasthala or the Demonish/ Devilish lake adjoining the Manasarovar. In the way this salt lake is never stepped in by any living being,  no one would care for them.

3) The Uppermost strata of people who are enlightened by Knowledge (caste, creed does not matter) that their minds are clear, like the river Manasarovar. People know that they are a class apart and would be approached with respect, like how you step in to Manasarovar with all reverence.

4) The category in between the Manasarovar and Rakshasthala, that is a person like you. Half-learned and yet half -empty.  A lake with significantly clean water but with unwanted elements that one is not sure whether to step in to this lake or not.

Chndra: ……….Swamiiiiii. What is this???? I thought you were imparting worldly knowledge to me, but you are taking a dig at me!!!

Shkra:  Let me continue. We can do nothing about the lowermost as it is beyond repair and not worth your time; the uppermost is already enlightened and needs no repair. The middle segment is the one which needs attention; depending on inputs it can get purified or petrified.

Chndra: Swami…..

Shkra:  Why do you think a miracle like Draupadi Vastrapaharanam cannot happen?

Chndra: It can happen, but it defies logic Guru Swamin

Shkra:  Let me explain with a Kaliyuga 21st century example.

Have you heard of the DhooraDarshani gifted by Krishna to Sasirekha(Vathsala), with which she could be in a video conversation with Abhimanyu? In Kaliyuga it is rampant and they call it by various names Skype, Facetime etc

Can you not print a sheet of paper in Hyderabad, by clicking the Mooshika (mouse) in Cincinnati ?

Chndra: But, Swami, these are non-material exchange. Are we not talking about material transfer in Draupadi’s case?

Shkra:  You are proving that you are still a middle-strata semi literate? Wait… Can we go to the tenth step without crossing the first step…. Wait

Chndra:  Apologies, I will listen.

Shkra:   Even in  the midst of your haste, you have agreed that transfer of non-material objects are possible. (like the live commentary of the war front given by Sumathi the Minister of Dhrutharashtra, sitting in the palace)

In the same manner as transfer of non-material things, material objects can be transferred by giving suitable commands through electronic impulses, signals and waves.

Chndra: Swami, you can’t enlighten  an ordinary soul like me with one simple sentence. Please elaborate.

Shkra:  How does a modern era printer work?

Chndra: It receives signals from the computer (local or over cloud) and uses the ink in the cartridge to draw multiple lines.
Shkra:  Very funny, when we talked about Narada walking over clouds, you guys laughed. When we said Mantras can reach the Devas and God through thin air you guys laughed….Now you are talking about signals sent through the air….talking about locating a file in a cloud….. Very Very funny….Life is coming a full circle for you all.

Chndra: True Swami, that is why we guys are in the middle strata and you continue to several light years ahead of us. Truth always hits us late.

Shkra:  True, it is always difficult to believe when others say, but when you experience yourself it stays for ever. It is called Realisation!

………………..Coming back to the printer….

A traditional printer draws millions of dots, which when combined becomes lines, circles, triangle, alphabets, symbols and so on.

Visualise a printer that prints or draws a line on top of a line and several such lines on top of the existing lines

Chndra:  You mean to say  3-D

Shkra: Yes  , an additional dimension created on top of an existing dimension. Traditional printer knows only length and breadth and you introduce a new dimension called depth and you then get an object.

Chndra: Looks great to hear, but difficult to accept.

Shkra:  Sriman Middle Strata … guys are so polluted in mind that you may want an evidence even for mother’s love.
Chndra: Apologies Swami, did not mean that. I was saying it will be better if sighted by eyes.

Shkra:  Then click this and see for yourself

Chndra:  Amazing…..Seeing is believing

Shkra:  Are you convinced now? That he could have remote-delivered a saree to Draupadi

Chndra: Very much….

Shkra:  God is everything, as the Mundaka Upanishad says
ब्रह्मैवेदममृतं पुरस्तात् ब्रह्म पश्चात् ब्रह्म उत्तरतो दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरेण ।
अधश्चोर्ध्वं च प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम्

Chndra: Swami, what you said just now seems to be similar to what Erwin Schrodinger gave this world on Quantum Mechanics.

Shkra:  Good, Good….you are now slowing moving towards the upper strata. 

Schrodinger openly acknowledged his belief in Vedas and Upanishads, admitted that he was greatly influenced by Upanishads and he was only providing a logical and scientific touch to the principles given by Vedas. We will talk about this in one of the subsequent episodes.

Chndra: I have a few more questions. I agree God would have created a saree for Draupadi from nowhere but

how does he know the requirements of all citizens;
does he have the technology to communicate to all
how does he suddenly appear and disappear

Shukracharya:  All these can be explained with Science. The sequence is Agnanam (lack of knowledge), Gnanam (Knowledge) and Vignanam( Science or specialised knowledge) . I will take you through and to Vigyanam, but in steps.

God Says ……“I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world.”

God and Science - Momentary Appearance and Disappearance of God explained

Episode -5

God and Science

Momentary Appearance and Disappearance of God explained

Shukracharya: Nammalvar the famous Tamil saint says

"Engum uLan KaNNan endra maganai kAindu
  ingu illayAl endru IraNiyan thooN pudaippa
 angu appouzhudE avan veeya thOndriya
 en SingappirAn perumai ArAyum seermaitthE"

The sum and substance of this verse is ……..God can be anywhere and everywhere. Appear and Disappear as he wills,  make or break or break as he wishes, all in the interests of his children (devotees)

Chandreswara:  Swami, no doubt, God is the saviour of each and every creature in this world. He is the one who created the universe and is protecting the universe, I am convinced. But when I meet people whose minds are filled with evil and who need convincing to get rid of the evil, I have tough time explaining to them. You would have to help me offer a scientific explanation to those evil and mean minds who want proof and evidence for everything.

Shkra:  No worry my son, if someone knows little bit of mathematics, momentary appearance of God can easily be explained. 

Chndra: Please….

Shkra:  Have you heard of Vector Algebra…..

Chndra: Swami, that is too much to expect from the people who are bothering me.

Shkra:  Oh Boy, donot get lost in jargons. It is all about a few lines.

Chndra: The Aggyanis (devoid of knowledge) I deal with, of course, can understand lines

Shkra:  In a piece of paper, Draw a line from left to right:  Call this X axis

Draw  a line Top to bottom, touching the first line . You call this Y-Axis

In mathematics this is called Two Dimensional Vector space. Any object you draw with length and breadth (like a circle, square, a face, line) are called two dimensional objects

When you introduce another dimension called Depth, then, do you know what is it called
Chndra: I know, 3-Dimensional object or an object in a 3-Dimensional vector space.

Shkra:  The main difference between a 2-D object and 3-D object is depth. Example: a 2-D circle becomes a sphere if depth is introduced; a 2-D square becomes a cuboid if depth is introduced.
Chndra:  I understand

Shkra:  Imagine a lowly creature as an unicellular Amoeba exists. It does not have an eye, an ear, etc. It may probably be able to sense.  Such a creature is an example of a 1-Dimensional object.

An ant,  which is a better evolved creation of God  can only see objects in the front  and the sides…. You can probably say it is a 2-Dimensional object

Imagine that a dog stands in front of the ant with  right leg  in front of the ant. The ant, a 2-D sensitive creature, sees the length the dog’s leg and its width and senses that there is an obstruction.

The dog  lifts its leg, what happens..????

Chandra: The Ant does not see the dog.

Shukra: Exactly. And what did the dog do. The leg which was in the arena of the Ant’s known two dimensions viz., length and breadth, moved to the third dimension viz., depth or 3rd dimension.

The moment the dog transformed itself to a 3-D object  (in the eyes of the ant) the dog became invisible to the ant.

Put yourself in the eyes of the ant, what would you think happened?

Chndra: I would conclude that the object in front of me suddenly disappeared. Momentary disappearance.

Shukra: Exactly.

When an ordinary creature like a dog can make itself disappear, by moving to a higher dimension, other creatures can also do that based on the dimensions known to them.

Accordingly there can be 2-D,3-D, 4-D ……n-D.

God who created the universe has innumerable dimensions and the moment he puts himself strictly in to a 3-D object you see him (appearance) and when he introduces a higher dimension, he vanishes from sight (disappearance)

But he is always there….only point is he is invisible to us.

That is what Nammalvar summarised about God and said he is in the Pillar and when his devotee is in trouble he emerges as Nrusimhamoorthy (the Lion-Man form)

Chandra: Swami, many thanks. This will be useful.  But how do I convince people who refuse to believe even when they know that my arguments are water-tight
Shukracharya: You can either take them to the other dimension or by switching off their unwanted dimension.  Their unwanted dimension is Ego and when time and realisation comes this dimension will switch off. Until such time they donot deserve your time. Do your duty of sharing your knowledge and leave it to Purushottama (Lord) to take care of the rest.

God, Communication and Science

Episode -6
God, Communication and Science
How is it possible to listen to the prayers of millions of people ?
(Continuing with the earlier discussion on N-Dimensional vectors and God, dwelves in to Bhagavad Gita)

ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम्
मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्याः पार्थ सर्वशः ॥४-११॥

God Says…. In whichever manner one approaches me, in that manner I favour them. People follow my path in different ways, O Paartha.

The Omnipresent God knows all His true devotees, no matter in what form they love Him....[and] answers their prayers in many ways. Devotion shown to God always evokes some form of plain or mysterious response. No true devotee is ignored by God.

Chandreswara: I completely agree Swami, I have felt that myself (an ordinary being). But how is it possible for the God to listen to so many people and address their requirements.

Shukra: Before I clear your doubts, as Sunrays clear the clouds, I must tell you something about beliefs.

People who are believers have the easiest of lives, as they are not into investigating God’s existence, potential and capabilities. Non believers are people who need to proof for everything; their life is the toughest because they suspect everything. Disbelief only spoils their present and future.

There is no such thing as a 787 headed elephant. If non-believer were to be asked about a 787 headed elephant he won’t waste even a single moment talking about it. By the safe logic, if he refrains from talking about the non-existence of God, he will achieve inner peace. Why talk ill of something when you believe it does not exist? Why waste your precious time? Would he refrain from wasting time about non-existence. He won’t .
Let us continue with the discussion of God’s unlimited access to the requirements and prayers of Devotees.
How many task can you do at a time?
Chandra: Several but finite numbers. For example, while I am driving, I pay attention to the road, the car, signal, listen to songs, attend a call while driving (on my handsfree), pray while driving, curse my boss, or recall an excellent joke, think of my childhood. All at one time. May be 10 tasks at best.

Shukra: Good, you are a young learner but a smart individual. Even then you are able to do ten tasks at a time, if not more.

Do You see telecom towers adjoining the roads nowadays.? Did that grow in the tree or invented by someone?

Chandra : It was invented by a human being but I would not know who.

Shukra: Never mind…it was a human invention, an ordinary invention but one which is significantly used?
Do you know how many callers it can handle?
Chandra: I have heard that it can handle 3000 lines at a time.
Shukra: Roughly correct. Its ability to handle is a function of the data transmitted? Depending on whether we use a phone as a phone or for data transmission, it can handle between 3000 and 5000 independent two way communications.
In other words it handles the requirements of 3000-5000 individuals.
Mind you,, The telecom tower (with its GSM antenna, Microwave antenna, RF cables etc) is a very basic invention of the human being.
If a basic level invention can handle 5000 conversations (or needs of 5000 individuals), what would be the capacity of a telephone exchange which is bigger than the tower, the ground station which is superior to the telephone exchange and satellite which handles the needs of several such ground stations.
Even the mid-sized satellite like Via-Sat1 (a High- Throughput satellite) has the ability to 140 Gbit/second (i.e 17,500,000,000 bytes per second). Is that not mind boggling?
You must have read recently that the Indian space Agency launched twenty satellites in one go. Does that not talk high of the capabilities of humans?. Yes, it does

Now let us look at the approximate hierarchy of God’s creations. There could be intermediary levels too but I am stating what I know.

God-- Council of Demi-Gods--- Devas------ Rishis---Gurus--- Ordinary humans.

If you consider the capability of Humans to be so high, as seen earlier, what is the capability of higher level beings and ultimately the God. Do you have any measure to count his capabilities.

Chandra: That is mind boggling Guru Swami. Definitely the capability of God to listen and address the concerns of people is unlimited.

Shukra: Let me also give another facet of God…… His ability to communicate vast quantities of knowledge in the shortest span of time.

Do you know how big is Bhagavad Gita?

Chandra: Yes Swamy. 700 verses. But Swami, even to read, it requires so much of efforts, leave alone understanding. Unless we have expert Gurus we cannot understand the meaning of these powerful verses. Though 700 verses, the commentaries run to several thousand pages.

Shukra: Well said. For the time being let me assume these verses are simply to be recited not understood, how long does it take

Chandra: May be 2 to 3 hours

Shukra: For someone to hear and understand these tough verses…

Chandra: For me it would take forever, but, for an enlightened person like Arjuna it will take another 4-5 hours, after all it is God’s own creation and has both direct meanings and implied ones.

Shukra: Where was this Gita recited and delivered to Arjuna?

Chandra: It was in the battlefield, when his opponents are ready for the kill and are battle ready with their arrows fixed to the bow.

Shukra: Without arguing on this if I am to assume that it would take 6-7 hours, do you think your opponent will wait for you to listen to the Gita, understand and then start the war? Wont they not thrash you in a second.

Chandra: Yes, of course. Mahabharatha had diluted several principles of Dharma and we could not have expected the opponents to wait for the kill.

Shukra: OR you think, Arjuna told the Kauravas, give me a couple of days, I will read, understand Gita, refer experts on meanings and fight with you thereafter???
Then how do you think this was delivered?

Chandra: This is intriguing and baffling for me, Great Guru. That is why I am the student and you are the Guru. Please enlighten me.

Shukra: The whole Gita was apparently delivered and received in Digital Compression mode. The sender and receiver both being enlightened individuals, could complete the process in moments. The war was then fought without any perceptible delay. Even a 5000 Rupee mobile phone can zip and compress files and it would have been a cake walk for God.

In other words, data transfer between Krishna and Arjuna may have happened at the speed of several Gigabytes per second. Donot tell me that it is not possible.

If an ordinary human being can launch a satellite and communicate between two distant countries at tremendous speeds, Krishna could have done transferred a 700 verse Gita in microseconds. Does it not sound logical?

In Kaliyuga even an ordinary household in a lesser developed India could download a120 minute HD movie in three minutes flat.

Chandra: Swamy you have given both the question and answer. Thank you Swami , I am now convinced that God can communicate with extreme speed and with millions of people in a second but how can the God address the needs of several thousand devotees at a time.

Shukra: If I gave you a mango you will relish, but if I gave you a dozen mangoes in a single day, you will find it difficult to digest. You are done for the day, rest in next.
God says
मे विदुः सुरगणाः प्रभवं महर्षयः
अहमादिर्हि देवानां महर्षीणां सर्वशः ॥१०-२॥
Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and the sages.

Vishnu, Incarnation, evolution and Charles Darwin’s theory

Episode -8

Vishnu, Incarnation, evolution and Charles Darwin’s theory
 (Continuing with the earlier discussion on the birth of Skanda)

Shukracharya:  Starts with a prayer of  Adishankara and queries Chandra  if he knows the meaning

सुताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽसि जीवेति षड्धा
जप न्मन्त्र मीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् 
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः
किरीटो ज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्त केभ्यः

Chandra: Yes Swami, I will make an effort……

Skanda, Mahadeva your father, the Great Lord, Joyfully uttered Mantras and Blessed You, that you are born from my body, May your glory live (forever)"; Over Your SixHeads which Supports the World.

But Swami I asked you this question earlier and will ask again, Why is that Lord cannot directly go and serve the world instead of through rebirths like Skanda, reincarnations like Krishna and Sages like Adishankara or Ramanuja.

Shukra: God can do what none else can do, but through his acts he also delivers various principles to this world which humans can understand, develop and help the world sustain. You tell me how many years we can spoon feed a child?, Do we not expect the child to learn to live by himself?. We train our children, so do animals and birds. Self-sustenance is the key message here.

Chandra: Swami, I am low on I.Q and some of the concepts don’t get absorbed by me unless supported with examples. Will you please enlighten me how incarnations are linked to the real world that we are seeing; after all I was not born in this world when the incarnations took place.

Shukra: Have you heard of Darwinism?

Chandra: I have only heard of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism but Darwinism is a religion I have not heard of.

Shukra: You are reconfirming your earlier statement on your poor IQ. I am happy atleast your self-assessment is on the dot.

Darwinism is not a religion but a collection of scientific concepts on evolution. Developed by Charles Darwin, the concepts were collectively called Darwinism. Needless to say most of the human beings irrespective of what “Ism”s they believe in, follow Darwinism.

In a nutshell, Darwinism traces the evolution of the human race, through a process of transmutation of species. If the world were to have been filled with unicellular organisms to start with million/ billions of years back, cellular upgradation may have led to higher level  organisms  and eventually to the human race.

The great Saivite scholar Manickavasagar captures the entire essence of Darwinism in a half sentence (Pullagi, poodai puzhuvai maramaki,  Pala virugamagi pravayai , pambaki , Kallai , manitharai peyai , ganangalai , Val asuraragi , munivaraai , devaraai ). Such was the Saint’s grasp of concepts that he could capture evolution in its stages, Grass, Rooty plants, worm, plant, stone,tree, bird, animal, human, devil, demon, rishi and Deva; what took scientists a couple of centuries.

Padma Purana also states a similar concept.

Chandra: But Guru, how does stone come in between?

Shukra: Dead organisms get compressed and they contribute to fossils, rocks and stones over millions of years. Have you not heard of trees turning to rocks ? you may have one in Kodaikanal, donot you?

Chandra: Yes,Yes. But where does incarnations of Hinduism feature  in Darwinism?

Shukra: Can you name to ten incarnations of Vishnu under Dasavatharam?

Chandra: Matsya (fish), Koorma (Tortoise), Varaha (Pig), Narasimha (Man-Lion), Vamana (Dwarf), Parashurama (Brahmin-Kshatriya-human), Rama (Kshatriya-human), Balarama & Krishna (Enlightened Human), Kalki(Extremely enlightened human)

Shukra: You will know by yourself, that without any explanation by me, that each Avatara is a better evolved form than the preceding.  You may like to read scientific work on Chromosomal evolution evolution! There are innumerable varieties of fishes, one more evolved than the other, including fishes which are mammals, partial-amphibians, full amphibians etc.

The weapons used by each of the Avataras are more evolved than the earlier one.

Parasurama fought with Axe, Rama with Bow& Arrow, Balarama with Plough, but Krishna fought with strategies.

Who knows,  in Kalki Avatara he may use Laser beams or Fissionary Or Fusionary material like nuclear weapons?

Chandra: Yes, Swami, the Ten Avatharas epitomise Darwinism. Who knows, Darwin may have picked up clues from Hinduism?

Shukra: That is unfair. In the name of  loyalty to our own religion, let us not take the credit away from Darwin who has done a great work

Did you know that Darwinism has been extended to Cosmic evolution, though Darwin himself has not attempted to talk about the Cosmic world.

This is exactly what God did,   and wants the human race to do. Offer & Develop principles that the world can understand, evolve and improve. When Darwin wrote his theory of evolution, he would not have dreamt that his study will have implications for the Cosmic world.

Chandra: Darwin also talked about “Survival of the fittest”. Are there parallels in the Avataras of God.

Shukra: Why not? In the example which we just discussed, Parashurama and Rama both were in the same Thretha yuga. Parashurama was invincible and was bulldozing the enemies, especially Kshatriyas. But when he realised that Rama is born in this world and more powerful and evolved than him, he simply vanishes from the scene(Being a Chiranjeevi, he is not killed).

Parashurama who is said to have killed every Kshatriya he encountered and took out five lakes equivalent of blood, did not take on Rama who is a Kshatriya? Only to prove one theory of Darwinism ….Viz., Survival of the Fittest. (Coined by Herbert Spencer)

Dashavatara is not the only Avataras.  Hinduism believes that Lord takes different shapes at all times and it need not just end with Kaliyuga, which is running now.

Other Religions also believe in similar but slightly varied concepts. For example Jainism believes in 24 Tirtankars, ending with Mahavira. It is believed that once a cycle of 24 Avataras happen, there will be the next set of 24 Tirtankars, one more enlightened than the other, confirming Darwinism.

Chandra: Swami, it is abundantly clear.  Avataras, thus have implications not only for the events happening at that point of time, but also for the future generations.

Shukracharya: Time to conclude the session and let us do with a prayer

Sri  Bhagavan said
pashya me paartha roopaani shatasho'tha  sahasrashah
    naanaavidhaani divyaani  naanaavarnaakriteeni cha
na tu maam shakyase drashtum anenaiva  swachakshushaa
    divyam dadaami te chakshuh pashya me  yogamaishwaram

Behold,  O Partha, by hundreds and thousands, My different forms celestial, varied in colors  and shapes. Behold  the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the (two) Ashwins and also the Maruts;  behold many wonders never seen before, O Bharata. Now  behold today, O Gudakesa, the whole universe of the moving and the unmoving and  whatever else you desire to see, all concentrated in My Body. But  with these your own eyes you cannot see Me; I give you the divine eye; behold now  My sovereign Yoga power.

Chandra: Swami, I have a doubt on this prayer
Shukra: I wanted to conclude but you are starting. Okay go ahead

Chandra: What is Vishwaroopa?
Shukra: But that is what the prayer is about.

Chandra: Thought as much, but I am not able to comprehend

Shukra:  Vishwaroopa is the all encompassing form. Depending on your level of evolution it can be anything between scary to realisation.

Imagine, you are standing by the side of a very  small hill, which has a near flat side and which is a thousand feet high. How will you feel?

Chandra: That will scar me to death.
Shukra: Yes, that hill is one millionth of the  size of Himalayas…. that Himalayas is one zillionth of the Universe and universe is probably small than an object one zillionth the  size of God’s nail bite.(giving an example). If that is the case if God has to appear before you in full glory, the size of a million stars, trillion planets, in all forms for living beings, how will you feel. That is what you can probably call a Vishwaroopa.

Chandra: Swamy it is beyond my comprehension. I wont even be able to see a small portion of  the object
Shukra: True, that is why God does not show his Vishwaroopa  to ordinary mortals; who knows, his real roopa can even be bigger than what is described as Vishwaroopa
Depending on the levels of evolutions and their Karma a small aspect of God is shown.
Saint Thyagaraja had the chance to see God in the forms of Rama,Seetha,Lakshmana and Hanuman all in one go.
Saint Arunagiri had the chance to see God in the form of Bala Murugha
Depending on the beliefs of the individual and their collective good-deeds, God appears in the form they are comfortable with.
There is also a psychological aspect to it.

Assume that you are a believer of a God form and on conclusion of this Janma you reach the cosmic world and your donot see your lord in the form you know him, how would you feel. Will you not feel disappointed despite having done good deeds? God does not want to disappoint you.

God is like Manoranjitha flower(Artabotrys hexapetalus), you smell the flower thinking for a flavour or fragrance you will get the same fragrance.
However to enlightened human beings who are equipped to sight the various facets of God, both in material and non-material form, he shows the Vishwaroopa, where you see all God forms which you have heard of.

Even Arjuna could see Vishwaroopa only after he was granted the divine vision by Lord Krishna.

Shukra: We are done with the day’s discussions. A Prayer to conclude…..
Arjuna Says:

manyase yadi tachchakyam mayaa drashtumiti prabho
yogeshavarah tato me tvam darshyaatmaanaamaavyayam
Krishna, if you think that it can be seen by me, then, O Lord of yoga, reveal to me Your imperishable form.

குரங்கணில்முட்டம், இறையவளை உடனுறை வாலீஸ்வரர் கோவில்

தொண்டைநாட்டு தேவாரப்  பாடல் பெற்ற  தலங்களுள் ஆறாவது தலமாக அறியப்படும் குரங்கணில்முட்டம் (TNT 006), காஞ்சிபுரத்திற்கு அருகில், ஓரிக்கை, தூசி ...